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Our Performance

There are a huge range of ways we measure our performance and we report different types of performance to different customers.  Please find below some of our performance information which we hope is of assistance to  you.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

The Scottish Housing Regulator

We report our performance on the outcomes/indicators of the Scottish Social Housing Charter (contained at the top of the table) to the Regulator each May.  The Regulator then provides feedback to us in August and we must then provide a suitable summary of our performance to each of our tenants by the end of October, in printed format.  We must also make this information available to all of our customers via the website.

Each year we have worked with a group of interested tenants who choose the format and content of the report.

You can visit the Regulator's website and see our performance and how it compares to other landlords' performance.  You can also view the full information we sent to the Regulator in May (all 100+ pages!)


The Regulatory Framework we work within is shown below.


We value the feedback we receive through complaints and use it to better our services.  We report our complaints performance every 3 months to our Management Committee, via our newsletter ChitChat, and each year in our Annual Report.

File Description File
Complaints Performance 2020-2021 PDF icon

Tenant Panel

Since 2016, we have had an active Tenant Panel who choose areas of our service to scruntise and then report findings to our Management Committee.