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Our Relationship with the Regulator

Please find below our statement about the engagement plan (level of contact) our Regulator, the Scottish Housing Regulator, currently has with us.

We were pleased to be assessed as Compliant by the Scottish Housing Regulator again.  This means the Regulator is satisfied with both our financial and non-financial information received from us.

The Regulator’s assessment takes account of our Annual Return on the Charter (ARC) and our progress towards meeting the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH) both of which we submit each May.  Financial information includes our audited accounts, five year financial projections and loan portfolio returns.

The Regulator’s aim is to protect the interests of tenants, homeless people and others who use the services provided by social landlords like the Association.

Please note an engagement plan was not issued in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Logo - Scottish Housing Regulator

The Scottish Housing Regulator regulates to protect  the interests of tenants, homeless people and others who use social landlords' services.

They focus on:

  • driving improvements in services
  • maintaining and improving RSLs’ governance
  • financial health in RSLs and cost and efficiency in all social landlords

For more information or to contact them, visit their website here.