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Joining our Management Committee

We have a strong track record and reputation in the community and intend to build on this with our plans for the future.  However, none of this can be achieved without the commitment of an experienced voluntary Management Committee.

What does a Committee Member do?

The Management Committee is made up of 15 Members and includes a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.  These positions are filled annually after every AGM.

The Management Committee makes all the important decisions about what we should be doing and how we should be doing it.  Staff are employed by the Management Committee to act on these decisions and to carry out our day to day work.

Our Management Committee Members all commit to the following:

  • Have an interest in the well being of the local community
  • Be willing to attend training events
  • Turn up to meetings on time
  • Respect the confidentiality of the business of the Association Contribute to the work of the Association in a courteous manner
  • Work hand in hand with the staff
  • Issues and grievances from outside should not influence your contribution to the Committee
  • Follow the agreed policies and procedures the Association

How do I become a Committee Member?

Firstly, you must already be a member of the Association.  To become a share member you need to complete a small application form and pay £1.00.  The Management Committee will consider your application and, if approved, you would then become a member.  (Please read our leaflet ‘Becoming a Shareholder’ or read our Membership Policy).

Secondly, the usual way to become a Management Committee Member is to be elected at our Annual General Meeting (AGM).  This usually happens every summer.  To stand for election, you will need to fill out a Nomination Form and deliver this to our office at least 21 days before the meeting.  At the meeting your nomination will be raised.  If there are more nominations than available places then there will be an election and all the members present will vote for each person.  The person with the most votes will be elected.

Alternatively, if you decide you wish to become a Member during the year, you can be invited to fill any casual vacancies that may exist. You would, however, need to be formally elected at the following AGM.

Thirdly, the Management Committee may ask to co-opt you onto the Management Committee if you have specific skills and knowledge that you could contribute to the running of the Association.  No more than one third of the Management Committee may be made up of Co-opted Members.

How does the Management Committee work?

The Management Committee meets once a month.  However, you are obliged to join at least one of the Sub Committees too.

The Management Committee oversees and ratifies decisions made at Sub Committee meetings as well as reviewing tenant participation/consultation, wider role and review of governance policies.  It also oversees the work of our Internal Audit that monitors how effective we are in following our agreed policies and procedures. The Sub Committees also meet once a month (except Finance & Corporate Services which meets quarterly).  These meetings are divided into categories as detailed below:

The Housing Services Sub Committee deals with the rents, arrears, allocations, estate management, repairs and maintenance, performance of contractors, making sure that we get value for money and so on.  It also makes sure that we comply with all the relevant Health and Safety legislation.

The Development Sub Committee deals with the development of new schemes and growth opportunities.  It is not held all of the time as it is dependent on development activity.

The Finance & Corporate Services Sub Committee deals with two key areas.  Firstly, it deals with the monitoring of all our finances.  It discusses budgets and monitors income and expenditure throughout the year.  Secondly, as an employer we need to have in place policies and procedures relating to staff issues.  This includes rates of pay, conditions of service, training and development and so on.

Code of Conduct

We are a member of the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations and are regulated by the Scottish Housing Regulator and we are therefore expected to abide by a Code of Conduct.  All Committee Members must sign this Code to serve on the Management Committee.

Interested in Joining? If you wish to join the Management Committee then please contact the Chief Executive, Lynette Lees, for more information.  We would be delighted to hear from you.

Management Committee Guide 2018

Please find below our current Management Committee Guide for information.  Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.

File Description File
Governing Body Members Guide 2024 PDF icon

Management Committe Induction